Memories of The Island of Scarp
Memories of The Island of Scarp
by Donald John MacLeod
In this well-illustrated booklet, Donald John Macleod brings together his own personal memories of life on the island, together with a series of anecdotes and contributions which vividly illustrate what it was like to be a resident of Scarp during the last century. It will be of absorbing interest to all who have visited this now depopulated island, or have gazed wistfully across the narrow sound of water near Husinish, Harris, to the clearly visible buildings on a green strip of land which once formed a living community.
Donald John’s inimitable style is apparent right from the start of the book: ‘I have travelled all over the world and Scarp was the happiest and friendliest place I have ever been. It was paradise for a child on summer holiday; most days playing on the sands, in and out of boats, over to Fladday at the peats, fishing, trips to Hushinish and visiting the houses there and shearing sheep out at the fank at the back of Scarp, which was very dangerous as there is a steep chasm into the sea beside it.'
Published: 2009