
 Saturday 6th July '24 – Walk guided by Frank Rennie ‘A Walk Around Galson’ A guided walk through the township of Galson, looking at features of geological, archaeological, and historical importance, based on excerpts from Frank’s book ‘The Changing Outer Hebrides: Galson and the meaning of place’: Free (donations welcome). Meet 10.00 at car park of Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn offices in South Galson, Ness, Lewis. Easy walking (around 2 miles), sturdy footwear recommended, return around 13:30. No restriction on numbers – just turn up.

Saturday 3rd August '24 –Talk by John Randall and visit ‘The Legend and Mystery of Calbost’s One Night Shieling’. Meet 11:00, West End barn, Calbost, Lewis, followed by guided walk to the rarely-visited Airigh na h-Aon Oidhche,: £10 (IBT members free). Walk around 3 miles over rough and often boggy terrain, stout footwear essential, take packed lunch and drink. Return by 15:00, no restriction on numbers.

Friday 16th August '24 - Book Launch "Circles of Light - Memories of an Islay Childhood" by James Knox Whittet Ballygrant village hall, Islay. 7:30pm. All welcome, free event, just turn up. 

Monday 26th August '24 – Boat trip to island of Wiay, Benbecula, Leaving from and returning to Kallin, Grimsay. Meet at Kallin harbour at 11:00, return by 16:00. This event includes a scenic boat journey across the mouth of the North Ford and Loch Uiskevagh, and up to 3 hours ashore on Wiay. Places £75 per person (limit 12 places) Must be booked by 20th August with Alasdair MacEachen email or phone 07721 992047.

Friday 13th and Saturday 14th September '24 – TIREE 2-DAY CONFERENCE ‘In Search of Balephuil’s Hidden Past – Tracing the History of a Tiree Township and its People’. Starting 12:00 noon on Friday 13th September, finishing 18:00 on Saturday 14th September, An Talla Community Hall, Tiree (also accessible online). Full details and booking form.

Friday 1st November – Angus Macleod Memorial Lecture This years lecture is entitled "The Life of Angus ‘Ease’ Macleod" and will be delivered by Angus's daughter Elizabeth. Free (donations welcome). Pairc School, Gravir, Lewis. 7:30pm