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Islands Book Trust

Leaving Songs

Leaving Songs

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ADVANCED ORDER. Orders including this title will be shipped to coincide with the book launch on 19th March 2025.

This gem of a book contains a unique collection of poems, songs, and prose by award-winning author Donald S. Murray on the theme of emigration. Its inspiration was the departure of the 'Metagama' and 'Marloch', which left the Outer Hebrides for North America a century ago, carrying hundreds of islanders to new life across the Atlantic.

What were their thoughts as they waved goodbye to their family, friends, and homeland, and the emotions of those they left behind? Donald's incisive writing and the wonderful images by illustrator Doug Robertson capture a confusing jumble of fears and hopes, the shock of transformed lives, but also a sense of new horizons.

The Butt of Lewis lighthouse, the small township of Ripley, Ontario, the cities of Toronto and Detroit, and the farmlands of Manitoba all feature in this remarkable collection, which also includes songs and inspirations involving Liza Mulholland, Dolina Maclennan, Charlie McKerron, WIllie Campbell, Calum Ailig Mac a' Mhaoilein, Chrisine Hanson, Steve Bull ...

Published: 2025

Author: Donald S. Murray

Drawings: Douglas Robertson

ISBN:  978-1-907443-92-3

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