Minutes of AGM 05/12/2023
These minutes were approved at the AGM on 19 November 2024
Held in person at KINLOCH COMMUNITY HUB, Balallan, Isle of Lewis and online via the Zoom platform on TUESDAY 5 DECEMBER 2023 at 7.30 pm
Present: John Randall, Malcolm Burr, Frank Rennie, Alasdair MacEachen, Ben Sheppard, John Humphries, Iain Mackenzie, Martin Atherton, Norman MacLean and two others, present online
Apologies: Kenneth Macleod, Chanté Batson, Iain Macaulay, Iain Tegna, Jan Gold, Shona MacLellan, Bob Morrison, Donnie Morrison and others whose names were intimated to the Chair
1/ Welcome
John Randall, Chair, opened the meeting and welcomed Trustees, Members and guests to the AGM. He noted thanks once again to Kinloch Historical Society for acting as host for the AGM, the second to be held in person and via Zoom since the COVID Pandemic.
The Chair paid tribute to former Trustee John Love who had passed away at home in South Uist on 18 October 2023, and recalled John’s achievements as a naturalist and author, in addition to his service to the Book Trust as a long-serving Trustee and supporter.
2/ Minute of Annual General Meeting of 20 April 2023
The Minute was approved, having been proposed by Frank Rennie and seconded by John Randall.
3/ Chair’s Report
John Randall presented the Chair’s report and noted in particular that the Trust had continued its recovery from the COVID period and was looking forward to a return to core business. He thanked continuing and retiring Trustees for their support throughout the year, and noted the welcome increase in membership of the Trust, now close to 200. John noted the success of the recently-launched book on Berneray and advised that its author, Susanne Barding, had agreed to be the trust’s representative in Faroe.
John noted that the Trust would require new staffing resources to keep pace with demand and increased membership, publications and activities, and noted a welcome financial contribution from the Muaitheabhal Trust, which if supplemented from other funding sources, would allow the employment of one full-time equivalent staff post.
4/ Secretary’s Report
Malcolm Burr thanked both John for his renewed service as Chair and fellow Trustees for all their support and work in keeping the Trust up and running.
The Secretary noted the opportunities which virtual meetings allowed to enhance and increase participation in some events, by the Trust’s geographically spread but increasing membership.
He noted that there was no need to re-elect Trustees at this AGM but that it was always open to the AGM to approve the appointment of new Trustees.
5/ Treasurer’s Report
John Randall, acting Treasurer made available copies of the Unaudited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2023 to those present. The main issues for noting were an increase in income, owing to publications, and that the Trust continued to be financially sound. The bank balance to date was c£15,000, a significant improvement from October 2022.
The Accounts were approved.
6/ Proposed changes to membership subscriptions and benefits
The Chair submitted a paper proposing changes to the level of membership subscriptions and benefits, and it was agreed:
- a/ to retain present subscription rates (£25 pa General Membership, £15 pa Student Membership, £300 one-off payment Life Membership), and to add a further category of Corporate Membership (up to £250 pa or £500 pa for Silver or Gold Corporate Members, respectively, to provide a range of sponsorship opportunities and membership benefits to employees);
- b/ that Student Membership only apply during the time that students are enrolled full-time on a recognised course;
- c/ to retain reduced rates at most IBT events (excluding boat trips), free quarterly copies of electronic newsletters, and entitlement to vote at AGMs and stand for election as a Trustee;
- d/ to replace receipt of free publications with an increased discount (from 10% to 20%) for purchases by members of IBT publications at IBT events or via the IBT website; and
- e/ that Members requiring a hard copy of quarterly newsletters will be asked to pay an additional £12 pa to cover extra staff, photocopying, and postage costs
7/ Election of Trustees
The Secretary referred to the provisions of the Constitution regarding the election of Trustees and asked for nominations for new Trustees.
It was noted that:
- a/ Shona MacLellan had resigned;
- b/ Kenneth Macleod had resigned as Treasurer but remained a Trustee;
- c/ Alasdair MacEachen proposed Sarah Maclean, seconded by John Randall, as a new Trustee and this was agreed.
8/ Further Business
The Chair concluded the meeting, noting the changed mood of the Trust and its continued move from survival to growth, manifesting itself in a recent successful publication and a restored programme of events. He again noted that increased success required an increased staff resource, for which funding would have to be carefully identified.
The Chair closed the meeting at 8.40 p.m.