Minutes of AGM 20th April 2023
Held in person at KINLOCH COMMUNITY HUB, Balallan, Isle of Lewis and online via the Zoom platform on THURSDAY 20 APRIL 2023 at 7.30 pm
Present: Shona MacLellan, Kenneth Macleod, Malcolm Burr, John Randall,
Kenneth R Mackay, Anna Mackenzie, John Love, Jan Gold, Martin Smith,
Douglas Scott, Iain Mackenzie, Norman MacLean, Donnie Morrison,
Donnie Macleod, Vicky Sheppard, Ben Sheppard
Apologies: John Maciver, Frank Rennie, Alasdair MacEachen and David Cameron
1/ Welcome
Shona MacLellan, Chair, opened the meeting, welcomed Trustees, Members and guests to the AGM and thanked Kinloch Historical Society for again acting as host for the AGM, the first to be held in person since the COVID Pandemic. The combination of the AGM with a talk for Members also showed a welcome return to pre-COVID practice.
2/ Minute of Annual General Meeting of 22 March 2022
The Minute was approved, having been proposed by Kenneth Macleod and seconded by John Randall.
3/ Chair’s Report
Shona MacLellan presented the Chair’s report and noted in particular that the Trust had continued its recovery from the COVID period and was looking forward to a return to core business. Shona noted that she had had to resign as Chair owing to family circumstances and thanked Trustees for their support throughout the year.
4/ Secretary’s Report
Malcolm Burr firstly paid tribute to Shona for her service as Chair and thanked John Randall, previously Chair for many years, for returning to support the Trustees in recent months. He also thanked fellow Trustees for all their support and work in keeping the Trust up and running, and retiring Trustees: Calum MacNeil, Jonathan Grant, John Maciver and John Love for their many years of valued service.
The Secretary noted the opportunities which virtual meetings allowed to enhance and increase participation in some events, by the Trust’s geographically spread membership. Membership numbers had remained relatively steady despite reduced activity owing to the circumstances of COVID. The financial stability of the Trust continued despite reduced activity in recent years.
5/ Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer made available copies of the Unaudited Accounts for the financial year to 31 March 2022 to those present. The main issues for noting were:
• a reduction in income of £1,606;
• there had been a small reduction in membership and book sales income;
• the Trust continued to be financially sound, despite making a loss of £810, with a current bank balance of c£8,000.
The Accounts were approved.
5/ Election of Trustees
The Secretary referred to the provisions of the Constitution regarding the election of Trustees: that one-third of Trustees stand down each year and/or submit themselves for re-election, and it was noted that the following Trustees were due to stand down at this AGM: Shona MacLellan, Ken Roddy Mackay and Jan Gold.
All three Trustees having indicated that they were prepared to be re-elected, it was agreed, proposed by Malcolm Burr and seconded by John Randall, to re-elect Shona MacLellan, Ken Roddy Mackay and Jan Gold, to serve until the AGM in 2026.
The Secretary asked for nominations for new Trustees and, following due nomination, it was agreed to elect the following Trustees, to serve until the AGM in 2026:
John Randall: proposed by Kenneth Macleod and seconded by Malcolm Burr
Frank Rennie, Ian McHardy, and Rebella Rennell were all proposed by John Randall and seconded by Jan Gold
6/ Further Business
The Chair invited John Randall to conclude the meeting. John spoke of the need for the Trust to continue its move from survival to growth, manifesting itself in at least one book publication in the coming year and a restored programme of events, but noted that all activities required an increased staff resource, for which funding would have to be carefully identified. John looked forward to the next Trustees’ Meeting, scheduled for Tuesday 2 May, at which we could begin to address these matters and look forward to a productive year.
Contact had been made with Members and ex-Members, with encouraging results.
The Chair closed the meeting at 7.55 p.m.