The name of the Trust shall be “Urras Leabhraichean nan Eilean – The Islands Book Trust”, (hereinafter referred to as “the Trust”) and the Trust address shall be Laxay Hall, Laxay, Isle of Lewis, HA2 9PJ or whatever address is determined by the Trust.
The objects of the Trust are to advance the education of the public and in furtherance thereof:-
(a) to extend appreciation of the history of Scottish islands in their wider context through talks, conferences, visits, publications, education and research.
(b) to have the power to acquire and own assets, and to employ staff.
(c) to raise funds for its own purpose (eg the establishment of a bursary, acquisition of books, etc) in support of the main enterprise.
(d) to maintain and extend community contact.
(e) to initiate and develop links with other organisations and individuals having similar aims and interests, in particular local history societies in the Outer Hebrides.
(f) to establish and promote links with other Celtic and Nordic areas, and to encourage comparative studies.
(g) to promote use of collections by local and other people for the purposes of education, research, and the sustainable development of Highland and Island areas.
Membership of the Trust shall be open to anyone who supports the Objects of the Trust and pays the annual subscription.
Annual subscription as agreed at the AGM of the Trust shall be paid by all members. Income from annual subscriptions, together with donations and funding from other sources will be added to the funds of the Trust.
(a) The business and affairs of the Trust shall be under the management of Trustees (drawn from members of the Trust) who shall comprise a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer based in the Western Isles and up to twelve other Trustees, of whom at least six should be based in the Western Isles. Trustees shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Trust and shall hold office for up to three years following election. One third of Trustees (to the nearest whole number) shall stand down each year, and shall be eligible for re-election.
(b) Each Trustee apart from the person presiding at meetings (see clause 7 hereof) shall have one vote and decisions shall be taken by simple majority.
(c) The Trustees will meet at least two times a year at times they determine, one of which may coincide with the AGM of the Trust. The Chairman or any four Trustees shall have the power to instruct the Secretary to convene a Special Meeting of the Trustees. The Secretary shall give all Trustees at least two weeks notice of Special Meetings.
(d) At all meetings of Trustees four Trustees will form a quorum.
(e) A Trustee may cease to be a Trustee following a Resolution to this effect which is agreed at any meeting of the Trustees.
(f) The Trustees shall have power to co-opt up to a further 12 persons to attend meetings of Trustees in an advisory capacity. Such persons will not count towards the quorum and will not have voting rights.
The Trustees shall have power:-
i To transact all the business of the Trust and appoint committees for the performance of special duties to be delegated to them.
ii To co-opt ordinary members of the Trust to serve on such committees, but any such co-opted members shall not exceed one-half of the membership of the committee.
iii To establish subsidiary companies to carry out particular activities in pursuance of the Trust’s objects.
The Chairman, or in his or her absence the vice Chairman, or in the absence of both any Trustee elected by the meeting, shall preside at all meetings of Trustees and at the AGM. The person presiding shall have a casting as well as a deliberative vote at all meetings.
(a) The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held once in every year on such date and at such time as the Trustees shall determine, but so that no longer than 15 months shall elapse between the date of one Annual General Meeting and the next.
(b) At all such meetings 6 members shall form a quorum.
(c) Each member attending (apart from the person presiding – see Clause 7) will have one vote and decisions will be taken by simple majority.
(d) Any changes to the Constitution must be approved by an AGM.
(e) The Chairman’s Annual Report and the Treasurer’s Statement of Account shall be submitted to the AGM for approval.
(f) The Secretary shall give notice of the AGM to all members at least four weeks prior to the AGM.
A Bank Account or Accounts shall be kept in the name of the Trust with such Bank as the Trustees may determine, and unless and until the Trustees shall otherwise resolve, the keeping and operation of account or accounts shall be as determined by Trustees, with cheques requiring countersigned, including by at least one Trustee.
The Secretary shall summon and attend all meetings connected with the Trust and shall keep regular and exact Minutes thereof. The Secretary shall on all occasions act under the superintendence and control of the Trustees.
The Trust shall keep correct accounts and books showing the financial affairs and intromissions of the Trust which shall be open for inspection at all times to the members of the Trust. Arrangements for handling monies received and expended are to be the responsibility of a nominated person as agreed by the Trustees, guided by the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall advise on procedures and shall submit to the Annual General Meeting a statement of the accounts for the year ended 31st March in each year. The Statement of Accounts shall also be examined by a professional accountant appointed by the members of the Trust at each Annual General Meeting. (The auditor shall hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting.)
At any Annual General Meeting, Special Meeting or Trustees Meeting any decision to be made under the provisions of the foregoing rules will be made unless otherwise provided by a simple majority of the members present and voting at the meeting.
In the event of dissolution any residuary assets will be given or transferred to another charitable organisation or organisations with similar objectives.
Certified as a true copy, incorporating changes agreed at AGM on 2nd September 2015
Signed: ALASDAIR MACEACHEN (Chairman), 15 Aird, Balivanich, Isle of Benbecula, HS7 5LT on (02/11/2015)