Òrain Mhurdani Mast
Òrain Mhurdani Mast
Murdani Kennedy was born in 1926 in Marvig, South Lochs. His father was very tall, very thin and very strong and he stood on a fishing boat most of his life. He was like a mast. Mast was his nickname and as is the tradition Murdani was known as Murdani Mast. Both his parents were from South Lochs. Like many others Murdani went away to the Merchant Navy. He was a crofter, a fisherman, a weaver and for some years a whaler down in South Georgia. Over-wintering in the Antarctic he got plenty of time to think about songs.
Murdani wrote his first song when he was seventeen and the most recent when he was 73. He is said to have composed close on a hundred. Most of them never written down. Fortunately some were and now made available in this booklet.
Published: 2022